KryptoPhone X for Defense

A country’s defense related entities – military, police, armed forces or the secret services – carry out actitivies which are critical and of national importance for that country and hence secure communication between members of defense staff is highly essential at all times. Communication between defense headquarters and members working in the field, such as, from military headquarters to military personnel on the field could be very sensitive and that information needs to be secured and protected at all times. Communicating over insecure networks and channels could prove to be detrimental not only for the military department but also for the country as a whole.
KryptoPhone X provides military-grade encryption of various communication types thereby maximizing the security to the fullest. The secure communication suite in the KryptoPhone X uses multiple levels of military-grade encryption and security protocols to secure voice and video calls, as well as instant messaging and file sharing. With KryptoPhone X, the defense establishments have the option of using KryptoPhone X on our highly private network or have secure servers installed on their premises.

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The new KryptoPhone X - Smart, Stylish and Secure

The new KryptoPhone X is based on iPhone SE red and enables users to communicate in a secure and private manner. The secure communication suite in KryptoPhone X uses multiple layers of encryption and security protocols to maximize the security of the communication channels.

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